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Partly automates the process of creating a FAIR theory repository, see Details.


  path = ".",
  title = NULL,
  theory_file = NULL,
  remote_repo = NULL,
  add_license = "cc0",



Character, indicating the directory in which to create the FAIR theory. The default value "." points to the current directory.


Character, indicating the theory title. Default: NULL


Character, referring to an existing theory file to be copied, or a new theory file to be created. Default NULL does nothing.


Name of a 'GitHub' repository that exists or should be created on the current authenticated user's account, see gh_whoami, Default: NULL




Additional arguments passed to other functions.


Invisibly returns a logical value, indicating whether the function was successful or not.


The following steps are executed sequentially:

  1. Create a project folder at path

  2. Initialize a local Git repository at path

  3. If remote_repo refers to a user's existing 'GitHub' repository, add it as remote to the local 'Git' repository. Otherwise, create a new 'GitHub' repository by that name and add it as remote.

  4. Add theory file. If theory_file refers to an existing file, copy it to path. If theory_file refers to a new file, create it in path.

  5. Add the license named by add_license

  6. Add a file

  7. Add 'Zenodo' metadata so that it recognizes the repository as a FAIR theory

  8. If it is possible to push to the remote repository, use git_update to push the repository to 'GitHub'


# Create a theory with no remote repository (for safe testing)
theory_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "theory")
create_fair_theory(path = theory_dir,
                   title = "This is My Theory",
                   theory_file = "theory.txt",
                   remote_repo = NULL,
                   add_license = "cc0")
#>  Create project folder
#>  Create project folder ... done
#>  Initialize Git repository
#>  Initialize Git repository ... done
#>  Creating new theory file "theory.txt"
#>  Creating new theory file "theory.txt" ... done
#>  Writing license file
#>  Writing license file ... done
#>  Creating
#>  Creating ... done

# Create a theory with a remote repository
theory_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "theory_github")
if (FALSE) {
out <- create_fair_theory(path = theory_dir,
                          title = "This is My GitHub Theory",
                          theory_file = "theory.txt",
                          remote_repo = "delete_test",
                          add_license = "ccby")