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This simulated dataset, based on work by Motti-Stefanidi and colleagues (2012), assesses the adaptation and well-being of adolescent immigrants in Greek schools.




A data frame with 1057 rows and 17 variables.


GRK1orderedGreek language ability at age 13
IMM1orderedImmigrant status at age 13 (0 = no, 1 = yes)
ADV1orderedAdversity at age 13
INV1orderedParental School Involvement at age 13
SEF1orderedSelf-efficacy at age 13
GPA1orderedAcademic achievement at age 13
GPA2orderedAcademic achievement at age 14
GPA3orderedAcademic achievement at age 15
CON1orderedConduct at age 13
CON2orderedConduct at age 14
CON3orderedConduct at age 15
EMO1orderedEmotional symptoms at age 13
EMO2orderedEmotional symptoms at age 14
EMO3orderedEmotional symptoms at age 15
POP1numericPeer popularity at age 13
POP2numericPeer popularity at age 14
POP3numericPeer popularity at age 15


Motti-Stefanidi, F., Asendorpf, J. B., & Masten, A. S. (2012). The adaptation and well-being of adolescent immigrants in Greek schools: A multilevel, longitudinal study of risks and resources. Development and Psychopathology, 24(2), 451–473. doi:10.1017/S0954579412000090