Utrecht University, dept. Methodology & Statistics


In my Stats 1 class, many exercises describe situations like:

Grades are normally distributed, with \(\mu = 6, \sigma = 2\)

A student said: This is a stupid question, but are grades normally distributed?

Distribution of grades

Actual grades of the 347 students:

Camel plot

Types of latent variable analyses

Observed variables
Latent variable Continuous Categorical
Continuous Factor analysis IRT
Categorical Mixture model Latent class analysis

Basic idea behind mixture modeling

  • Assume that population consists of K subpopulations
  • Model data as a function of (unknown) class membership
  • Simplest “model” is just the mean
    • Estimate variances / covariances
    • Different model for different classes

Estimated using EM algorithm


Analysis goals:

  • Test theory about categorical latent variable (e.g., identity status)
  • Classify individuals
  • Identify number of classes
  • Identify most discriminant items
  • Predict class membership from covariates
  • Predict outcomes from class membership

Challenges: “correct” number of classes?


  • Run the same model for a range of possible classes, e.g., 1:6
  • Examine fit statistics


  • Not estimating one-class model
  • Using entropy as a fit index
    • It signifies class separation
  • Cherry-picking fit statistics
    • Report all; lack of consensus could indicate problem
    • Weighted decision using AHP

Introducing tidyLPA

  • User-friendly software that implements best practices
  • Free means, variances, and covariances
  • Estimate and compare solutions for the number of classes
  • Beautiful visualizations

Sample workflow, tidyverse-style

grades %>%
## tidyLPA analysis using mclust: 
##  Model Classes AIC     BIC     Entropy prob_min prob_max n_min n_max
##  1     1       1022.35 1029.59 1.00    1.00     1.00     1.00  1.00 
##  1     2       993.73  1008.21 0.74    0.91     0.94     0.43  0.57 
##  BLRT_p
##  0.01

Sample workflow, tidyverse-style

grades %>%
  estimate_profiles(1:2) %>%
## Compare tidyLPA solutions:
## Model Classes BIC
## 1 1 1029.590
## 1 2 1008.211
## Best model according to BIC is Model 1 with 2 classes.
## An analytic hierarchy process, based on the fit indices AIC, AWE, BIC, CLC,
and KIC (Akogul & Erisoglu, 2017), suggests the best solution is Model 1 with 2

Good practices for visualization

Show model parameters

  • Estimated mean
  • Estimated variance (if parameter)

Show parameter uncertainty

  • Confidence interval/band

Show classification uncertainty

  • Show how well classes capture raw data

If number of classes is is exploratory…

  • Compare several class solutions

Some examples

Some examples

Some examples

What stands out?

These visualizations…

  • Show only estimated mean (sometimes even unweighted mean of subgroup)
  • \(\sigma\) not visualized, even when it is a parameter
  • No SE’s
  • No classification uncertainty; treat class membership as known
  • Hide raw data, impossible to see whether classes are distinctive

Better profile plot

id_edu[, c("com3", "exp3")] %>%
  estimate_profiles(1:4) %>%

Mixture densities plot

id_edu[, c("com3", "exp3")] %>%
  estimate_profiles(1:4) %>%

Longitudinal extentions

Growth mixture models

Describe heterogeneity in developmental trajectories

  • Capture individual trajectories with latent growth model
  • Each individual follows a trajectory over time, described by latent intercept, slope, etc.
  • Apply LCA to latent growth variables

Analysis goals:

  • Identify classes that are characterized by different developmental trajectories


# Load MplusAutomation

# Do the latent class growth analysis
createMixtures(classes = 1:4, 
               filename_stem = "growth", 
               model_overall = "i s q | ec1@0 ec2@1 ec3@2 ec4@3 ec5@4 ec6@5;
                                i@0;  s@0;  q@0",
               rdata = empathy[, 1:6],
               ANALYSIS = "PROCESSORS = 2;")

runModels(filefilter = "growth")

results_growth <- readModels(filefilter = "growth")

Summary table

##        Title Classes      AIC      BIC     aBIC Entropy T11_VLMR_PValue
## 1  1 classes       1 4951.896 4989.213 4960.649      NA              NA
## 2  2 classes       2 4172.444 4226.347 4185.088   0.819          0.0000
## 3  3 classes       3 3938.068 4008.556 3954.601   0.811          0.0015
## 4  4 classes       4 3851.840 3938.913 3872.264   0.838          0.0167
##   T11_LMR_PValue BLRT_PValue min_N max_N min_prob max_prob
## 1             NA          NA   467   467    1.000    1.000
## 2         0.0000           0   200   267    0.931    0.961
## 3         0.0019           0    93   238    0.880    0.926
## 4         0.0189           0    18   221    0.888    0.909

Published example - not good


plotGrowthMixtures(results_growth, rawdata = TRUE)

Latent transition analysis

Describe state changes

  • Individuals are in a hidden state at each time point (class membership)
    • Identity Status Theory: Achievement, Moratorium, Diffusion, Foreclosure
  • Capture these states with mixture model
  • Model transition matrix over time

Example: Latent transition analysis, identity

  classes = 4,
  filename_stem = "lta",
  model_overall = "c2 ON c1;",
  model_class_specific = c(
  "[com3] (com{C});  [exp3] (exp{C});",
  "[com5] (com{C});  [exp5] (exp{C});"
  rdata = id_edu[, c("com3", "exp3", "com5", "exp5")]

Do latent transition analysis

runModels(filefilter = "lta")
lta_id <- readModels("lta_2_class.out")

Some examples

Some examples

Plot the latent transition matrix


Take home message

Good practices:

  • Compare several class solutions
  • Show estimated points/trajectory
  • Show confidence interval/band
  • Show how well classes capture raw data
  • Show classification / transition probabilities


Mixture model estimated using EM algorithm

Two things must be estimated:

  1. \(\theta\): Model parameters for each class
  2. \(P(Z_i = k|X_i, \theta)\): The probability that individual i belongs to each of the classes k, given their observed data X and the model parameters

The problem is that these two are interdependent

  • Calculations for \(\hat{\theta}\) (means, variances, covariances in each class) are weighted by \(P(Z_i = k|X_i,\theta)\)
  • Probability of class membership depends on that class’ parameters

Estimation 2

So, we go back and forth:

  1. E-step:
    Maximize \(P(Z_i = k|X_i,\theta)\) for some starting values, \(\theta^0\)
  2. M-step:
    Estimate \(\hat{\theta}\), using the estimate of \(P(Z_i = k|X_i,\theta)\) from the E-step
  3. Plug esimate of \(\hat{\theta}\) in to E-step, repeat until convergence.

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