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Converts SEM models to RAM models for OpenMx.


as_ram(x, ...)



An object for which a method exists, such as a tidy_sem object, or character vector describing the user-specified model using the lavaan model syntax.


Parameters passed on to other functions.


Returns an mxModel.


For models specified using lavaan syntax, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply lavaanify to the model. The default arguments to lavaanify correspond to those of the sem function.

  2. Convert each row of the resulting lavaan parameter table to a mxPath.

  3. Apply mxModel to the mxPaths to create an OpenMx model using RAM specification


as_ram("y ~ x")
#> MxModel 'model' 
#> type : RAM 
#> $matrices : 'A', 'S', 'F', and 'M' 
#> $algebras : NULL 
#> $penalties : NULL 
#> $constraints : NULL 
#> $intervals : NULL 
#> $latentVars : none
#> $manifestVars : 'y' and 'x' 
#> $data : NULL
#> $submodels : NULL 
#> $expectation : MxExpectationRAM 
#> $fitfunction : MxFitFunctionML 
#> $compute : NULL 
#> $independent : FALSE 
#> $options :  
#> $output : FALSE