Tabulating results from structural equation models
tabulates the results of different types of
models in the same uniform way. This facilitates parsing the output into
Tables and Figures for publication. The function to tabulate output is
. The function to tabulate fit indices is
Let’s use a classic lavaan
tutorial example for a
multiple group model, using the HolzingerSwineford1939
data. The tidySEM
package has a function
to generate measurement models automatically.
It guesses which latent variable an observed variable belongs to by
splitting the names (by default, at the last _
symbol), so
it helps to rename the variables:
df <- HolzingerSwineford1939
names(df)[7:15] <- paste0(rep(c("vis", "tex", "spe"), each = 3), "_", rep(1:3, 3))
df |>
subset(select = c("school", "vis_1", "vis_2", "vis_3", "tex_1", "tex_2", "tex_3", "spe_1",
"spe_2", "spe_3")) -> df
Now, let’s construct the model.
df |>
tidy_sem() |>
measurement() -> model
Output from lavaan
Now, let’s run the model in lavaan
. You can either use
to run it,
model |>
estimate_lavaan() -> fit_lav
The results can be tabulated using table_results()
#> label est_sig se pval confint
#> 1 vis.BY.vis_1 1.00 0.00 <NA> [1.00, 1.00]
#> 2 vis.BY.vis_2 0.55*** 0.10 0.00 [0.36, 0.75]
#> 3 vis.BY.vis_3 0.73*** 0.11 0.00 [0.52, 0.94]
#> 4 tex.BY.tex_1 1.00 0.00 <NA> [1.00, 1.00]
#> 5 tex.BY.tex_2 1.11*** 0.07 0.00 [0.98, 1.24]
#> 6 tex.BY.tex_3 0.93*** 0.06 0.00 [0.82, 1.03]
#> 7 spe.BY.spe_1 1.00 0.00 <NA> [1.00, 1.00]
#> 8 spe.BY.spe_2 1.18*** 0.16 0.00 [0.86, 1.50]
#> 9 spe.BY.spe_3 1.08*** 0.15 0.00 [0.79, 1.38]
#> 10 Variances.vis_1 0.55*** 0.11 0.00 [0.33, 0.77]
#> 11 Variances.vis_2 1.13*** 0.10 0.00 [0.93, 1.33]
#> 12 Variances.vis_3 0.84*** 0.09 0.00 [0.67, 1.02]
#> 13 Variances.tex_1 0.37*** 0.05 0.00 [0.28, 0.46]
#> 14 Variances.tex_2 0.45*** 0.06 0.00 [0.33, 0.56]
#> 15 Variances.tex_3 0.36*** 0.04 0.00 [0.27, 0.44]
#> 16 Variances.spe_1 0.80*** 0.08 0.00 [0.64, 0.96]
#> 17 Variances.spe_2 0.49*** 0.07 0.00 [0.34, 0.63]
#> 18 Variances.spe_3 0.57*** 0.07 0.00 [0.43, 0.70]
#> 19 Variances.vis 0.81*** 0.15 0.00 [0.52, 1.09]
#> 20 Variances.tex 0.98*** 0.11 0.00 [0.76, 1.20]
#> 21 Variances.spe 0.38*** 0.09 0.00 [0.21, 0.55]
#> 22 vis.WITH.tex 0.41*** 0.07 0.00 [0.26, 0.55]
#> 23 vis.WITH.spe 0.26*** 0.06 0.00 [0.15, 0.37]
#> 24 tex.WITH.spe 0.17*** 0.05 0.00 [0.08, 0.27]
#> 25 Means.vis_1 4.94*** 0.07 0.00 [4.80, 5.07]
#> 26 Means.vis_2 6.09*** 0.07 0.00 [5.96, 6.22]
#> 27 Means.vis_3 2.25*** 0.07 0.00 [2.12, 2.38]
#> 28 Means.tex_1 3.06*** 0.07 0.00 [2.93, 3.19]
#> 29 Means.tex_2 4.34*** 0.07 0.00 [4.19, 4.49]
#> 30 Means.tex_3 2.19*** 0.06 0.00 [2.06, 2.31]
#> 31 Means.spe_1 4.19*** 0.06 0.00 [4.06, 4.31]
#> 32 Means.spe_2 5.53*** 0.06 0.00 [5.41, 5.64]
#> 33 Means.spe_3 5.37*** 0.06 0.00 [5.26, 5.49]
#> 34 Means.vis 0.00 0.00 <NA> [0.00, 0.00]
#> 35 Means.tex 0.00 0.00 <NA> [0.00, 0.00]
#> 36 Means.spe 0.00 0.00 <NA> [0.00, 0.00]
#> Name Parameters fmin chisq df pvalue baseline.chisq
#> 1 fit_lav 30 0.1417035 85.30552 24 8.502553e-09 918.8516
#> baseline.df baseline.pvalue cfi tli nnfi rfi nfi
#> 1 36 0 0.9305597 0.8958395 0.8958395 0.8607411 0.9071607
#> pnfi ifi rni LL unrestricted.logl aic bic
#> 1 0.6047738 0.9314908 0.9305597 -3737.745 -3695.092 7535.49 7646.703
#> n bic2 rmsea
#> 1 301 7551.56 0.09212148 0.07141849 0.113678 0.9
#> rmsea.pvalue rmsea.close.h0 rmsea.notclose.pvalue rmsea.notclose.h0
#> 1 0.0006612368 0.05 0.8395529 0.08
#> rmr rmr_nomean srmr srmr_bentler srmr_bentler_nomean crmr
#> 1 0.07502369 0.08218433 0.0595238 0.0595238 0.06520506 0.06520506
#> crmr_nomean srmr_mplus srmr_mplus_nomean cn_05 cn_01 gfi agfi
#> 1 0.07290147 0.0595238 0.06520506 129.4902 152.654 0.9960745 0.9911676
#> pgfi mfi ecvi
#> 1 0.4426998 0.9031773 0.4827426
Output from OpenMx
Now, we’ll reproduce the same analysis in ‘OpenMx’. First, we run the model:
model |>
estimate_mx() -> fit_mx
#> Running model with 30 parameters
#> label est_sig se pval confint
#> 1 Loadings.vis.BY.vis_1 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 2 Loadings.vis.BY.vis_2 0.55*** 0.11 0.00 [0.34, 0.77]
#> 3 Loadings.vis.BY.vis_3 0.73*** 0.12 0.00 [0.50, 0.96]
#> 4 Loadings.tex.BY.tex_1 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 5 Loadings.tex.BY.tex_2 1.11*** 0.06 0.00 [0.99, 1.24]
#> 6 Loadings.tex.BY.tex_3 0.93*** 0.06 0.00 [0.82, 1.04]
#> 7 Loadings.spe.BY.spe_1 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 8 Loadings.spe.BY.spe_2 1.18*** 0.15 0.00 [0.89, 1.47]
#> 9 Loadings.spe.BY.spe_3 1.08*** 0.20 0.00 [0.70, 1.46]
#> 10 Means.vis_1 4.94*** 0.07 0.00 [4.80, 5.07]
#> 11 Means.vis_2 6.09*** 0.07 0.00 [5.96, 6.22]
#> 12 Means.vis_3 2.25*** 0.07 0.00 [2.12, 2.38]
#> 13 Means.tex_1 3.06*** 0.07 0.00 [2.93, 3.19]
#> 14 Means.tex_2 4.34*** 0.07 0.00 [4.19, 4.49]
#> 15 Means.tex_3 2.19*** 0.06 0.00 [2.06, 2.31]
#> 16 Means.spe_1 4.19*** 0.06 0.00 [4.06, 4.31]
#> 17 Means.spe_2 5.53*** 0.06 0.00 [5.41, 5.64]
#> 18 Means.spe_3 5.37*** 0.06 0.00 [5.26, 5.49]
#> 19 Variances.vis_1 0.55*** 0.12 0.00 [0.32, 0.78]
#> 20 Variances.vis 0.81*** 0.15 0.00 [0.52, 1.10]
#> 21 Covariances.vis.WITH.tex 0.41*** 0.08 0.00 [0.25, 0.56]
#> 22 Covariances.vis.WITH.spe 0.26*** 0.06 0.00 [0.15, 0.37]
#> 23 Variances.tex 0.98*** 0.11 0.00 [0.76, 1.20]
#> 24 Covariances.tex.WITH.spe 0.17*** 0.05 0.00 [0.08, 0.27]
#> 25 Variances.spe 0.38*** 0.09 0.00 [0.20, 0.56]
#> 26 Variances.vis_2 1.13*** 0.10 0.00 [0.93, 1.34]
#> 27 Variances.vis_3 0.84*** 0.10 0.00 [0.66, 1.03]
#> 28 Variances.tex_1 0.37*** 0.05 0.00 [0.28, 0.47]
#> 29 Variances.tex_2 0.45*** 0.06 0.00 [0.33, 0.56]
#> 30 Variances.tex_3 0.36*** 0.04 0.00 [0.27, 0.44]
#> 31 Variances.spe_1 0.80*** 0.09 0.00 [0.63, 0.97]
#> 32 Variances.spe_2 0.49*** 0.09 0.00 [0.31, 0.67]
#> 33 Variances.spe_3 0.57*** 0.09 0.00 [0.39, 0.74]
#> Minus2LogLikelihood n Parameters observedStatistics df saturatedDoF
#> 1 7475.49 301 30 2709 2679 2655
#> independenceDoF saturatedParameters independenceParameters ChiDoF satDoF
#> 1 2691 54 18 24 2655
#> indDoF RMSEANull modelName AIC BIC saBIC LL
#> 1 2691 0.05 model 7535.49 7646.703 7551.56 -3737.745
Output from Mplus
Now, we’ll reproduce the same analysis in ‘Mplus’. To illustrate the
fact that tidySEM
is compatible with existing solutions, we
will specify the syntax for this example manually, using the package
. This code will only work on your machine
if you have Mplus installed and R can find it. First, we run the
fit_mplus <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(VARIABLE = "grouping IS school (1 = GW 2 = Pas);",
MODEL = c("visual BY vis_1 vis_2 vis_3;",
"textual BY tex_1 tex_2 tex_3;",
"speed BY spe_1 spe_2 spe_3;"),
usevariables = names(df),
rdata = df),
modelout = "example.inp",
run = 1L)
#> Calculated confidence intervals from est and se.
#> label est_sig se pval confint group
#> 1 VISUAL.BY.VIS_1.GW 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> GW
#> 2 VISUAL.BY.VIS_2.GW 0.58*** 0.11 0.00 [ 0.36, 0.79] GW
#> 3 VISUAL.BY.VIS_3.GW 0.80*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.54, 1.05] GW
#> 4 TEXTUAL.BY.TEX_1.GW 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> GW
#> 5 TEXTUAL.BY.TEX_2.GW 1.12*** 0.07 0.00 [ 0.99, 1.25] GW
#> 6 TEXTUAL.BY.TEX_3.GW 0.93*** 0.06 0.00 [ 0.82, 1.04] GW
#> 7 SPEED.BY.SPE_1.GW 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> GW
#> 8 SPEED.BY.SPE_2.GW 1.13*** 0.14 0.00 [ 0.86, 1.40] GW
#> 9 SPEED.BY.SPE_3.GW 1.01*** 0.16 0.00 [ 0.70, 1.32] GW
#> 10 TEXTUAL.WITH.VISUAL.GW 0.43*** 0.10 0.00 [ 0.23, 0.62] GW
#> 11 SPEED.WITH.VISUAL.GW 0.33*** 0.08 0.00 [ 0.16, 0.49] GW
#> 12 SPEED.WITH.TEXTUAL.GW 0.24** 0.07 0.00 [ 0.09, 0.38] GW
#> 13 Means.VISUAL.GW 0.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> GW
#> 14 Means.TEXTUAL.GW 0.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> GW
#> 15 Means.SPEED.GW 0.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> GW
#> 16 Intercepts.VIS_1.GW 4.85*** 0.09 0.00 [ 4.67, 5.04] GW
#> 17 Intercepts.VIS_2.GW 6.07*** 0.08 0.00 [ 5.92, 6.22] GW
#> 18 Intercepts.VIS_3.GW 2.15*** 0.08 0.00 [ 1.99, 2.32] GW
#> 19 Intercepts.TEX_1.GW 3.35*** 0.09 0.00 [ 3.18, 3.53] GW
#> 20 Intercepts.TEX_2.GW 4.68*** 0.10 0.00 [ 4.49, 4.87] GW
#> 21 Intercepts.TEX_3.GW 2.46*** 0.08 0.00 [ 2.30, 2.63] GW
#> 22 Intercepts.SPE_1.GW 4.07*** 0.08 0.00 [ 3.90, 4.23] GW
#> 23 Intercepts.SPE_2.GW 5.43*** 0.08 0.00 [ 5.27, 5.59] GW
#> 24 Intercepts.SPE_3.GW 5.29*** 0.08 0.00 [ 5.13, 5.44] GW
#> 25 Variances.VISUAL.GW 0.71*** 0.16 0.00 [ 0.39, 1.03] GW
#> 26 Variances.TEXTUAL.GW 0.87*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.61, 1.13] GW
#> 27 Variances.SPEED.GW 0.51*** 0.12 0.00 [ 0.27, 0.74] GW
#> 28 Residual.Variances.VIS_1.GW 0.65*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.40, 0.91] GW
#> 29 Residual.Variances.VIS_2.GW 0.96*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.72, 1.21] GW
#> 30 Residual.Variances.VIS_3.GW 0.64*** 0.11 0.00 [ 0.42, 0.86] GW
#> 31 Residual.Variances.TEX_1.GW 0.34*** 0.06 0.00 [ 0.22, 0.47] GW
#> 32 Residual.Variances.TEX_2.GW 0.38*** 0.07 0.00 [ 0.23, 0.52] GW
#> 33 Residual.Variances.TEX_3.GW 0.44*** 0.07 0.00 [ 0.30, 0.57] GW
#> 34 Residual.Variances.SPE_1.GW 0.62*** 0.10 0.00 [ 0.42, 0.83] GW
#> 35 Residual.Variances.SPE_2.GW 0.43*** 0.10 0.00 [ 0.24, 0.63] GW
#> 36 Residual.Variances.SPE_3.GW 0.52*** 0.10 0.00 [ 0.32, 0.72] GW
#> 37 VISUAL.BY.VIS_1.PAS 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> PAS
#> 38 VISUAL.BY.VIS_2.PAS 0.58*** 0.11 0.00 [ 0.36, 0.79] PAS
#> 39 VISUAL.BY.VIS_3.PAS 0.80*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.54, 1.05] PAS
#> 40 TEXTUAL.BY.TEX_1.PAS 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> PAS
#> 41 TEXTUAL.BY.TEX_2.PAS 1.12*** 0.07 0.00 [ 0.99, 1.25] PAS
#> 42 TEXTUAL.BY.TEX_3.PAS 0.93*** 0.06 0.00 [ 0.82, 1.04] PAS
#> 43 SPEED.BY.SPE_1.PAS 1.00 <NA> <NA> <NA> PAS
#> 44 SPEED.BY.SPE_2.PAS 1.13*** 0.14 0.00 [ 0.86, 1.40] PAS
#> 45 SPEED.BY.SPE_3.PAS 1.01*** 0.16 0.00 [ 0.70, 1.32] PAS
#> 46 TEXTUAL.WITH.VISUAL.PAS 0.41*** 0.11 0.00 [ 0.20, 0.62] PAS
#> 47 SPEED.WITH.VISUAL.PAS 0.18** 0.07 0.01 [ 0.05, 0.31] PAS
#> 48 SPEED.WITH.TEXTUAL.PAS 0.18** 0.06 0.00 [ 0.06, 0.30] PAS
#> 49 Means.VISUAL.PAS 0.15 0.13 0.24 [-0.10, 0.40] PAS
#> 50 Means.TEXTUAL.PAS -0.58*** 0.12 0.00 [-0.81, -0.35] PAS
#> 51 Means.SPEED.PAS 0.18 0.09 0.06 [-0.01, 0.36] PAS
#> 52 Intercepts.VIS_1.PAS 4.85*** 0.09 0.00 [ 4.67, 5.04] PAS
#> 53 Intercepts.VIS_2.PAS 6.07*** 0.08 0.00 [ 5.92, 6.22] PAS
#> 54 Intercepts.VIS_3.PAS 2.15*** 0.08 0.00 [ 1.99, 2.32] PAS
#> 55 Intercepts.TEX_1.PAS 3.35*** 0.09 0.00 [ 3.18, 3.53] PAS
#> 56 Intercepts.TEX_2.PAS 4.68*** 0.10 0.00 [ 4.49, 4.87] PAS
#> 57 Intercepts.TEX_3.PAS 2.46*** 0.08 0.00 [ 2.30, 2.63] PAS
#> 58 Intercepts.SPE_1.PAS 4.07*** 0.08 0.00 [ 3.90, 4.23] PAS
#> 59 Intercepts.SPE_2.PAS 5.43*** 0.08 0.00 [ 5.27, 5.59] PAS
#> 60 Intercepts.SPE_3.PAS 5.29*** 0.08 0.00 [ 5.13, 5.44] PAS
#> 61 Variances.VISUAL.PAS 0.80*** 0.19 0.00 [ 0.42, 1.17] PAS
#> 62 Variances.TEXTUAL.PAS 0.88*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.62, 1.14] PAS
#> 63 Variances.SPEED.PAS 0.32*** 0.09 0.00 [ 0.16, 0.49] PAS
#> 64 Residual.Variances.VIS_1.PAS 0.56*** 0.16 0.00 [ 0.25, 0.86] PAS
#> 65 Residual.Variances.VIS_2.PAS 1.30*** 0.16 0.00 [ 0.98, 1.61] PAS
#> 66 Residual.Variances.VIS_3.PAS 0.94*** 0.15 0.00 [ 0.65, 1.23] PAS
#> 67 Residual.Variances.TEX_1.PAS 0.45*** 0.07 0.00 [ 0.30, 0.59] PAS
#> 68 Residual.Variances.TEX_2.PAS 0.50*** 0.09 0.00 [ 0.33, 0.67] PAS
#> 69 Residual.Variances.TEX_3.PAS 0.26*** 0.05 0.00 [ 0.16, 0.36] PAS
#> 70 Residual.Variances.SPE_1.PAS 0.89*** 0.13 0.00 [ 0.64, 1.14] PAS
#> 71 Residual.Variances.SPE_2.PAS 0.54*** 0.10 0.00 [ 0.35, 0.74] PAS
#> 72 Residual.Variances.SPE_3.PAS 0.65*** 0.10 0.00 [ 0.46, 0.85] PAS
#> Mplus.version Name AnalysisType DataType Estimator n NGroups
#> NDependentVars NIndependentVars NContinuousLatentVars Parameters ChiSqM_Value
#> 1 9 0 3 48 164.103
#> ChiSqM_DF ChiSqM_PValue ChiSqBaseline_Value ChiSqBaseline_DF
#> 1 60 0 957.769 72
#> ChiSqBaseline_PValue LL UnrestrictedLL CFI TLI AIC BIC
#> 1 0 -3706.323 -3624.272 0.882 0.859 7508.647 7686.588
#> 1 7534.359 0.107 0.088 0.127 0 0.087
#> AICC Filename
#> 1 7527.314 example.out