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This simulated dataset, based on Curry et al., 2019, contains data on moral relevance and judgment across the seven domains of the Morality As Cooperation scale.




A data.frame with 1392 rows and 42 variables.


sexfactorSelf-identified sex of participants, Male, Female, or Transgendered.
age_yearsnumericParticipants' age in years.
KinshipRnumericMean score of moral relevance, kinship subscale.
MutualismRnumericMean score of moral relevance, mutualism subscale.
ExchangeRnumericMean score of moral relevance, exchange subscale.
HawkRnumericMean score of moral relevance, hawk subscale.
DoveRnumericMean score of moral relevance, dove subscale.
DivisionRnumericMean score of moral relevance, division subscale.
PossessionRnumericMean score of moral relevance, possession subscale.
KinshipJnumericMean score of moral judgment, kinship subscale.
MutualismJnumericMean score of moral judgment, mutualism subscale.
ExchangeJnumericMean score of moral judgment, exchange subscale.
HawkJnumericMean score of moral judgment, hawk subscale.
DoveJnumericMean score of moral judgment, dove subscale.
DivisionJnumericMean score of moral judgment, division subscale.
PossessionJnumericMean score of moral judgment, possession subscale.


Curry, O. S., Jones Chesters, M., & Van Lissa, C. J. (2019). Mapping morality with a compass: Testing the theory of ‘morality-as-cooperation’ with a new questionnaire. Journal of Research in Personality, 78, 106–124. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2018.10.008