This simulated dataset, based on Van Lissa et al., 2014, contains six annual assessments of adolescents' mean scores on the empathic concern and perspective taking subscales of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (Davis, 1983). The first measurement wave occurred when adolescents were, on average, 13 years old, and the last one when they were 18 years old.
ec1 | numeric | Mean score of empathic concern in wave 1 |
ec2 | numeric | Mean score of empathic concern in wave 2 |
ec3 | numeric | Mean score of empathic concern in wave 3 |
ec4 | numeric | Mean score of empathic concern in wave 4 |
ec5 | numeric | Mean score of empathic concern in wave 5 |
ec6 | numeric | Mean score of empathic concern in wave 6 |
pt1 | numeric | Mean score of perspective taking in wave 1 |
pt2 | numeric | Mean score of perspective taking in wave 2 |
pt3 | numeric | Mean score of perspective taking in wave 3 |
pt4 | numeric | Mean score of perspective taking in wave 4 |
pt5 | numeric | Mean score of perspective taking in wave 5 |
pt6 | numeric | Mean score of perspective taking in wave 6 |
sex | factor | Adolescent sex; M = male, F = female. |
Van Lissa, C. J., Hawk, S. T., Branje, S. J., Koot, H. M., Van Lier, P. A., & Meeus, W. H. (2014). Divergence Between Adolescent and Parental Perceptions of Conflict in Relationship to Adolescent Empathy Development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, (Journal Article), 1–14. doi:10.1007/s10964-014-0152-5