For each variable v that inherits
, create a number of new variables equal
to levels(v)
to indicate group membership (1)
or non-membership (0) of that level.
The resulting dummies have class mxFactor
mx_dummies(x, classes = c("factor", "character"), ...)
if(requireNamespace("OpenMx", quietly = TRUE)){
#> Warning: Some categories have fewer than 5% of cases: Species.csetosa, Species.cversicolor, Species.cvirginica
#> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
#> 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
#> 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2
#> 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
#> 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
#> 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2