Prepare an object of class sem_graph, containing data objects that can be rendered into a SEM graph. Using this function allows users to manually change the default graph specification before plotting it. Input consists of (at least) a layout, and either nodes and edges, or a model object.

# S3 method for dagitty
prepare_graph(model, rect_height = 0.5, rect_width = 0.5, ...)


# S3 method for default
  edges = NULL,
  layout = NULL,
  nodes = NULL,
  rect_width = 1.2,
  rect_height = 0.8,
  ellipses_width = 1,
  ellipses_height = 1,
  variance_diameter = 0.8,
  spacing_x = 2,
  spacing_y = 2,
  text_size = 4,
  curvature = 60,
  angle = NULL,
  fix_coord = FALSE,

# S3 method for lavaan
prepare_graph(model, edges = NULL, layout = NULL, nodes = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for MxModel
prepare_graph(model, ...)

# S3 method for character

# S3 method for mplus.model
prepare_graph(model, edges = NULL, layout = NULL, nodes = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for mplusObject
prepare_graph(model, edges = NULL, layout = NULL, nodes = NULL, ...)



Instead of the edges argument, it is also possible to use the model argument and pass an object for which a method exists (e.g., mplus.model or lavaan).


Height of rectangles (used to display observed variables), Default: 0.8


Width of rectangles (used to display observed variables), Default: 1.2


Additional arguments passed to and from functions.


Object of class 'tidy_edges', or a data.frame with (at least) the columns c("from", "to"), and optionally, c("arrow", "label", "connect_from", "connect_to", "curvature").


A matrix (or data.frame) that describes the layout; see get_layout.


Optional, object of class 'tidy_nodes', created with the get_nodes function, or a data.frame with (at least) the column c("name"), and optionally, c("shape", "label"). If set to NULL (the default), nodes are inferred from the layout and edges arguments.


Width of ellipses (used to display latent variables), Default: 1


Height of ellipses (used to display latent variables), Default: 1


Diameter of variance circles, Default: .8


Spacing between columns of the graph, Default: 1


Spacing between rows of the graph, Default: 1


Point size of text, Default: 4


Curvature of curved edges. The curve is a circle segment originating in a point that forms a triangle with the two connected points, with angles at the two connected points equal to curvature. To flip a curved edge, use a negative value for curvature. Default: 60


Angle used to connect nodes by the top and bottom. Defaults to NULL, which means Euclidean distance is used to determine the shortest distance between node sides. A numeric value between 0-180 can be provided, where 0 means that only nodes with the same x-coordinates are connected top-to-bottom, and 180 means that all nodes are connected top-to-bottom.


Whether or not to fix the aspect ratio of the graph. Does not work with multi-group or multilevel models. Default: FALSE.


Object of class 'sem_graph'


res <- sem("dist ~ speed", cars)
#> A tidy_sem object with 3 edges and 2 nodes, and the following elements:
#> v  edges             v  nodes
#> v  rect_width        v  rect_height
#> v  ellipses_width    v  ellipses_height
#> v  variance_diameter v  spacing_x
#> v  spacing_y         v  text_size
#> v  curvature         o  angle
#> v  fix_coord