This convenience function runs objects for which a method exists
using OpenMx, with sensible defaults. It is intended for use with
. For instance, it will convert a tidySEM
object to
a mxModel
and run it, and it will try to ensure convergence for
mixture models created using mx_mixture
Knowledgeable users may want to run models manually.
Returns an mxModel
with free parameters updated
to their final values.
df <- iris[1:3]
names(df) <- paste0("X_", 1:3)
run_mx(measurement(tidy_sem(df), meanstructure = TRUE))
#> Running model with 9 parameters
#> MxModel 'model'
#> type : RAM
#> $matrices : 'A', 'S', 'F', and 'M'
#> $algebras : NULL
#> $penalties : NULL
#> $constraints : NULL
#> $intervals : NULL
#> $latentVars : 'X'
#> $manifestVars : 'X_1', 'X_2', and 'X_3'
#> $data : 150 x 3
#> $data means : NA
#> $data type: 'raw'
#> $submodels : NULL
#> $expectation : MxExpectationRAM
#> $fitfunction : MxFitFunctionML
#> $compute : MxComputeSequence
#> $independent : FALSE
#> $options :
#> $output : TRUE