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Attempts to extract edges from a SEM model object, where edges are defined as regression paths and covariances between variables (nodes).


get_edges(x, label = "est_sig", ...)



A model object of class mplusObject or lavaan.


Either a character, indicating which column to use for edge labels, or an expression. See Details. Defaults to "est_sig", which labels edges with the estimated value with significance asterisks, as obtained from table_results. See Details and examples for more information.


Additional parameters passed to table_results. For example, users can pass the digits argument to control the number of digits in the edge label, or pass the columns argument to retain auxiliary columns in the tidy_edges data.frame for further processing (see Examples).


An object of class 'tidy_edges'


The function get_edges identifies all regression paths, latent variable definitions, and covariances in the model as edges. The output of table_results for those paths is used to label the edges.

Custom labels

One way to create custom edge labels is by passing an expression to label. When an expression is passed to label, it is evaluated in the context of a data.frame containing the results of a call to table_results on the x argument.

Another way to create custom labels is by requesting auxiliary variables using the columns argument (which is passed to table_results), and then using these columns to construct a new label. See examples.


# Standard use
res <- sem("dist ~ speed", cars)
#>    from    to arrow     label connect_from connect_to curvature linetype   lhs
#> 1 speed  dist  last   3.93***           NA         NA        NA        1  dist
#> 2  dist  dist  both 227.07***           NA         NA        NA        1  dist
#> 3 speed speed  both     27.40           NA         NA        NA        1 speed
#>   op   rhs    est    se pval          confint   est_sig est_std se_std pval_std
#> 1  ~ speed   3.93  0.41 0.00     [3.13, 4.73]   3.93***    0.81   0.04     0.00
#> 2 ~~  dist 227.07 45.41 0.00 [138.06, 316.08] 227.07***    0.35   0.07     0.00
#> 3 ~~ speed  27.40  0.00 <NA>   [27.40, 27.40]     27.40    1.00   0.00     <NA>
#>    confint_std est_sig_std   label_results  show
#> 1 [0.73, 0.89]     0.81***   dist.ON.speed  TRUE
#> 2 [0.22, 0.48]     0.35***  Variances.dist  TRUE
#> 3 [1.00, 1.00]        1.00 Variances.speed FALSE

# Pass an expression to the 'label' argument for custom labels
get_edges(res, label = paste(est_sig, confint))
#>    from    to arrow                      label connect_from connect_to
#> 1 speed  dist  last       3.93*** [3.13, 4.73]           NA         NA
#> 2  dist  dist  both 227.07*** [138.06, 316.08]           NA         NA
#> 3 speed speed  both       27.40 [27.40, 27.40]           NA         NA
#>   curvature linetype   lhs op   rhs    est    se pval          confint
#> 1        NA        1  dist  ~ speed   3.93  0.41 0.00     [3.13, 4.73]
#> 2        NA        1  dist ~~  dist 227.07 45.41 0.00 [138.06, 316.08]
#> 3        NA        1 speed ~~ speed  27.40  0.00 <NA>   [27.40, 27.40]
#>     est_sig est_std se_std pval_std  confint_std est_sig_std   label_results
#> 1   3.93***    0.81   0.04     0.00 [0.73, 0.89]     0.81***   dist.ON.speed
#> 2 227.07***    0.35   0.07     0.00 [0.22, 0.48]     0.35***  Variances.dist
#> 3     27.40    1.00   0.00     <NA> [1.00, 1.00]        1.00 Variances.speed
#>    show
#> 1  TRUE
#> 2  TRUE
#> 3 FALSE

# Pass the argument 'columns' to table_results through '...' to retain
# auxiliary columns for further processing
edg <- get_edges(res, columns = c("est_sig", "confint"))
#>    from    to arrow     label connect_from connect_to curvature linetype
#> 1 speed  dist  last   3.93***           NA         NA        NA        1
#> 2  dist  dist  both 227.07***           NA         NA        NA        1
#> 3 speed speed  both     27.40           NA         NA        NA        1
#>     est_sig          confint
#> 1   3.93***     [3.13, 4.73]
#> 2 227.07*** [138.06, 316.08]
#> 3     27.40   [27.40, 27.40]
edg <- within(edg, {label <- paste(est_sig, confint)})
#>    from    to arrow                      label connect_from connect_to
#> 1 speed  dist  last       3.93*** [3.13, 4.73]           NA         NA
#> 2  dist  dist  both 227.07*** [138.06, 316.08]           NA         NA
#> 3 speed speed  both       27.40 [27.40, 27.40]           NA         NA
#>   curvature linetype   est_sig          confint
#> 1        NA        1   3.93***     [3.13, 4.73]
#> 2        NA        1 227.07*** [138.06, 316.08]
#> 3        NA        1     27.40   [27.40, 27.40]