For a multigroup model of class MxModel
conduct overall and pairwise likelihood ratio tests.
All submodels must be identical.
lr_test(x, compare = c("All", "A", "S", "F", "M", "Thresholds"), ...)
if(requireNamespace("OpenMx", quietly = TRUE)){
df <- iris[c(1:10, 140:150), c(1, 5)]
names(df) <- c("x", "group")
mod <- as_ram("x~1", data = df, group = "group")
mod <- run_mx(mod)
#> Running mg with 4 parameters
#> Running mg with 2 parameters
#> Running mg with 2 parameters
#> BCH test for equality of means across classes
#> Overall likelihood ratio test:
#> LL_baseline LL_restricted LL_dif df p
#> 12.02743 54.15309 42.12566 2 7.120795e-10
#> Pairwise comparisons using likelihood ratio tests:
#> Model1 Model2 LL_baseline LL_restricted LL_dif df p
#> setosa virginica 12.02743 54.15309 42.12566 2 7.120795e-10