Chapter 8 Subgroup Analyses

In Chapter 6, we discussed in depth why between-study heterogeneity is such an important issue in interpreting the results of our meta-analysis, and how we can explore the role of outliers as potential sources of heterogeneity.

Another source of between-study heterogeneity making our effect size estimate less precise could be that there are known differences between studies. For example, in a meta-analysis on the effects of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression in university students, it could be the case that some studies delivered the intervention in a group setting, while others delivered the therapy to each student individually. In the same example, it is also possible that studies used different criteria to determine if a student suffers from depression (e.g. they either used the ICD-10 or the DSM-5 diagnostic manual).

Many other differences of this sort are possible, and such study differences could cause differences in the overall effect.

We can control for the influence of such factors using various forms of meta-regression: Analyses that control for the influence of between-study differences.

So-called subgroup analyses are similar to an ANOVA, in that they are a regression analysis with only one categorical predictor. We can use them to look at different subgroups within the studies of our meta-analysis and try to determine the extent of the difference between these subgroups.

The idea behind subgroup analyses

Basically, a every subgroup analysis consists of two parts: (1) pooling the effect of each subgroup, and (2) comparing the effects of the subgroups (Borenstein and Higgins 2013).

1. Pooling the effect of each subgroup

This point it rather straightforward, as the same criteria as the ones for a simple meta-analysis without subgroups (see Chapter 4 and Chapter 4.2) apply here.

  • If you assume that all studies in subgroup stem from the same population, and all have one shared true effect, you may use the fixed-effect-model. As we mention in Chapter 4, many doubt that this assumption is ever true in psychological and medical research, even when we partition our studies into subgroups.
  • The alternative, therefore, is to use a random-effect-model which assumes that the studies within a subgroup are drawn from a universe of populations follwing its own distribution, for which we want to estimate the mean.

2. Comparing the effects of the subgroups

After we calculated the pooled effect for each subgroup, we can compare the size of the effects of each subgroup. However, to know if this difference is in fact singnificant and/or meaningful, we have to calculate the Standard Error of the differences between subgroup effect sizes \(SE_{diff}\), to calculate confidence intervals and conduct significance tests. There are two ways to calculate \(SE_{diff}\), and both based on different assumptions.

  • Fixed-effects (plural) model: The fixed-effects-model for subgroup comparisons is appropriate when we are only interested in the subgroups at hand (Borenstein and Higgins 2013). This is the case when the subgroups we chose to examine were not randomly “chosen”, but represent fixed levels of a characteristic we want to examine. Gender is such a characteristic, as its two subgroups female and male were not randomly chosen, but are the two subgroups that gender (in its classical conception) has. Same does also apply, for example, if we were to examine if studies in patients with clinical depression versus subclinical depression yield different effects. Borenstein and Higgins (@ Borenstein and Higgins 2013) argue that the fixed-effects (plural) model may be the only plausible model for most analysis in medical research, prevention, and other fields.

As this model assumes that no further sampling error is introduced at the subgroup level (because subgroups were not randomly sampled, but are fixed), \(SE_{diff}\) only depends on the variance within the subgroups \(A\) and \(B\), \(V_A\) and \(V_B\).

\[V_{Diff}=V_A + V_B\]

The fixed-effects (plural) model can be used to test differences in the pooled effects between subgroups, while the pooling within the subgroups is still conducted using a random-effects-model. Such a combination is sometimes called a mixed-effects-model. We’ll show you how to use this model in R in the next chapter.

  • Random-effects-model: The random-effects-model for between-subgroup-effects is appropriate when the subgroups we use were randomly sampled from a population of subgroups. Such an example would be if we were interested if the effect of an intervention varies by region by looking at studies from 5 different countries (e.g., Netherlands, USA, Australia, China, Argentina). These variable “region” has many different potential subgroups (countries), from which we randomly selected five means that this has introduced a new sampling error, for which we have to control for using the random-effects-model for between-subgroup-comparisons.

The (simplified) formula for the estimation of \(V_{Diff}\) using this model therefore looks like this:

\[V_{Diff}=V_A + V_B + \frac{\hat T^2_G}{m} \]

Where \(\hat T^2_G\) is the estimated variance between the subgroups, and \(m\) is the number of subgroups.

Be aware that subgroup analyses should always be based on an informed, a priori decision which subgroup differences within the study might be practically relevant, and would lead to information gain on relevant research questions in your field of research. It is also good practice to specify your subgroup analyses before you do the analysis, and list them in the registration of your analysis.

It is also important to keep in mind that the capabilites of subgroup analyses to detect meaningful differences between studies is often limited. Subgroup analyses also need sufficient power, so it makes no sense to compare two or more subgroups when your entire number of studies in the meta-analysis is smaller than \(k=10\) (Higgins and Thompson 2004).


Borenstein, Michael, and Julian PT Higgins. 2013. “Meta-Analysis and Subgroups.” Prevention Science 14 (2). Springer: 134–43.

Higgins, Julian PT, and Simon G Thompson. 2004. “Controlling the Risk of Spurious Findings from Meta-Regression.” Statistics in Medicine 23 (11). Wiley Online Library: 1663–82.